Saturation Tumblr Theme
دستهبندیها: تامبلر «Tumblr» سیستمهای مدیریت محتوا «CMS»

Saturation Tumblr Theme
خرید محصول توسط کلیه کارتهای شتاب امکانپذیر است و بلافاصله پس از خرید، لینک دانلود محصول در اختیار شما قرار خواهد گرفت.
- دسترسی به فایل محصول بهصورت مادامالعمر
- تمام محصولات درج شده در سایت پیپیتیالمنت بهصورت اورجینال بوده و سایت هیچگونه تغییر یا دخل و تصرفی در محتوای فایلها اعمال نکرده است.
- در صورت عدم رضایت سفارش برگشت و وجه به حساب شما برگشت داده خواهد شد.
- در صورت نیاز با شماره 09353405883 در واتساپ تماس بگیرید.
Themelantic is proud to present Saturation – a beautiful theme to display your portfolio of work with a slider, stylish thumbnails, and a variety of footer widgets for your social media accounts.
- Choose a slideshow of featured work, with links and text
- Widgets for Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr
- An “About Me” widget in the footer
- Customise colours, typography, and design details
- Infinite scrolling, custom logo, sharing, and much more
- Infinite scrolling
- Keyboard navigation
- Upload a custom logo
A Featured Slideshow of Work
Saturation features a large slider to showcase your photographs or work. You can change the height, speed, transition style, photo alignment, and lots more.
It’s also easy to add a title, description, and link to each photo. You can use these to promote products, links, photos, or anything else!
Stylish, Square Posts
Posts are arranged in a stylish grid, each cropped to a square format, with the layout flowing to different styles depending on whether you’re on a desktop, tablet, or phone.
Instagram, Flickr, and Twitter Widgets
Saturation can also pull in your work from other sources as well — your latest photos from Instagram or Flickr, or thoughts and links from Twitter. These show up as widgets at the bottom of each page.
Social buttons let people follow your adventures on your various social media channels — we support dozens of different icons and networks (and we’re always adding more!)
Photo Details
You can choose to showcase the EXIF data from your photos if you’d like (all pulled automatically from the photos). This includes your camera, aperture, exposure, or focal length.
Customise Everything
You can change any and every aspect of Saturation to match your style and personal brand. Fonts and typography, colours, layout, backgrounds, border widths — you name it, you can customise it!
It looks great right out of the box, but it’s simple to put your own stamp on the design (and we’re here to help you every step of the way!)
Drop-Down Featured Tags
You can choose to add a drop-down menu to your blog navigation, with links to particular tags that you’d like to feature.
Just enter your chosen tags (separated by commas) in the Customise page, and these will show up in a nicely styled list in the sidebar. It’s a great way to organise your posts, and make your blog easy to navigate!
Share Away
With one click, visitors can share your content across different social channels: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and more.
This is in addition to all the usual Tumblr features, allowing people to like and reblog your content. Don’t let your incredible content go unnoticed!
Keyboard Navigation
A unique feature makes it easy for your readers to flick around your site, using only their keyboard.
H takes you home, R takes you to a random post, and the Left and Right arrows navigate between posts or pages. Discover a whole new way to browse your Tumblr site!
Complete Feature Listing
See the complete feature listing on the Themelantic website, as well as details of recent changes and additions to the theme:
Fantastic Support
We’re here to help you set up your theme, and iron out any problems. Just head over to our site to file a support ticket, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours:
We’re also here to answer any quick questions on Twitter:
توضیحات تکمیلی Documentation Included Responsive Retina ready
حجم فایل 31.9 کیلوبایت
قیمت به دلار 49
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